Monday, December 12, 2011

Very worried about this flu and my pregnancy?....?

I'm nearly 18 weeks pregnant and I'm really really worried about this flu scare. I know a lot of it is scaremongering, but then this morning on the news the newsreader was saying how pregnant women are a high risk category as they can't receive the tamiflu or the treatment - and then I just read on another site that flu in pregnant women can lead to pneumonia. I'm absolutely past myself as to what to do. I work in a small office so I don't see too many people but my husband works away and goes through the Amsterdam airport every 6 or 7 days and I'm petrified I'm going to get this and won't be able to get it treated. I feel like locking myself in the house! Anyone else feel worried about their baby like this? I don't think I'll be watching the news again!


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